As the Glendale Chamber embarks on the next 100 years as the city’s “Voice of Business,” we remain strongly committed to serving each one of our members, cultivating prospective members to further strengthen the organization, and continually keeping pace – and even ahead – of changing business needs.
The Chamber supports sound, stable economic growth, working to increase prosperity by encouraging growth of existing business and nurturing new enterprise. We are a respected voice for the business and professional community on critical issues and a clearinghouse for plans and proposals affecting Glendale’s future.
As a catalyst creating partnerships with other private and public agencies and interests, the Chamber helps solve problems and pursue opportunities affecting the community. Chamber leadership is “at the table” on boards and advisory committees throughout the community dealing with business-related policy issues of interest to the members.
Chamber’s Strength in Numbers
The Glendale Chamber is comprised of people in business who realize they can accomplish collectively more than they can do individually. As a result, the strength of the Chamber lies in attracting members, creating a vast pool of creativity and energy and resources.
Glendale is no longer the “bedroom” community of the mid-20th century. Business wise, it is a major financial, retail and entertainment center in Southern California. Redevelopment has played a substantial role in this transformation, and the Chamber has and continues to be a partner to the city all along the way. Yet, Glendale remains a classic residential “hometown” energized by a majority of the Chamber’s members – small businesses.
Chamber Leaders – City Leaders
Leaders from all segments of the business community have served as Chamber Chair of the Board and/or Chamber officers. During the Chamber’s impressive history, Chair Persons have emerged from the ranks of attorneys, hospital executives, bankers, doctors, dentists, educators, realtors, community relations specialists and business owners – even the city’s fire chief. The Chamber is always looking for people interested in preserving our Chamber’s ideals, working hard to maintain the Chamber’s “Voice of Business,” and leading the organization into the future.